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School Bus Routing Software Internet Add-on



Access Your School Bus Routing Software From Anywhere

iBusBoss™ is an Internet/Intranet add-on for the BusBoss school bus routing software. With iBusBoss, an authorized user may securely view data and reports generated directly from BusBoss routing software on any Internet/Intranet-enabled computer or smartphone. iBusBoss contains a large selection of reports that are easily displayed, printed, sorted and formatted to meet your individualized needs.

iBusBoss is also the perfect solution for any organization that needs to have its school bus routing information available to anyone, anytime, anywhere. For example, if a student forgets his or her bus number, any teacher, secretary or parent is able to easily open iBusBoss in their web browser and retrieve that information for the student.

Parents or staff members may also access the iBusBoss transportation software application to enter an address or intersection to get nearby bus stop information. This avoids unnecessary calls to your transportation department. iBusBoss is available for a minimal one-time cost that includes remote installation.

iBusBoss System Security

Security is built into the iBusBoss school bus routing software system add-on. A user must have a username and password to log in to iBusBoss. A system administrator may create an unlimited number of users, and each user is given access to designated reports.

Each iBusBoss user is assigned to a security mode as follows:

  • All Access: User may view every report for every student in the system
  • By Bus: User may only access reports and student information assigned to the selected bus or buses
  • By Contractor: User may only access reports and student information assigned to the selected contractor(s)
  • By School: User may only access reports and student information assigned to the selected school(s)
  • By Driver: User may only access reports and student information assigned to the selected driver(s)
  • By Report: User may only access and view the designated report(s)
  • By Parent: User may only access reports and student information assigned to the parent(s) email address used as their login name

Address/Intersection Lookup (Private Or Public)

School district administrators may allow staff and parents the ability to look up attendance and school bus routing information based on a particular street address or intersection. This functionality may also be made available to the public using a web-based query or it may be kept private for local access only.


With the iBusBoss school bus routing software application, your staff and parents have one-click access to necessary information that’s both secure and controlled. With such easy access to important school bus routing information, iBusBoss helps to lessen parent calls and staff inquiries.

Learn More About iBusBoss

Tip Sheet - 10 Essential Ways To Schedule Safe School Bus Routes - Download Now

Product Guide Check Out What Busboss Has To Offer

“BusBoss™ held up to its reputation and never let me down. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to move throughout BusBoss™. It truly is as user-friendly as I was told. The on-screen prompts, menus, as well as the manual made it possible for me to address most of my questions and concerns on my own. Those times, however, when time pressures and tension got the best of me, you were always there to bail me out. No matter what I did wrong, or failed to do at all, it was reassuring to know that you were never more than a phone call away.”

Caron Decker
Assistant Business Administrator, Shippensburg Area School District

I Would Describe Myself As

Each of us has a unique role in school transportation, and that role comes with special demands. BusBoss can help you meet those demands with tailored solutions that help you satisfy all stakeholders. Choose the role that most closely fits yours to get started.