Achieving software integration between student management programs and route optimization software is a beneficial solution for school districts that are working to become more organized and efficient.
Depending on the student information system your district uses, integrating bus routing software has the potential to streamline your school bus transportation program with the following features:
If your school district’s transportation program would benefit from increased software integration, read on to learn more about how route management software complements your existing student management program.
Whether a student in your district is changing classes or moving to a new home, an integrated software system notifies the correct person right away, so they are able to make necessary changes such as scheduling a new bus for the student.
Instead of calling every parent individually, your integrated software also notifies parents of critical news automatically. Easy access to data for creating state reports and versatility in the event of a major district change make integrated fleet management software and student management programs a powerful combination.
In order to ensure efficiency and ease of use, it is advisable to implement three key elements of successful student management and routing software integration:
Software integration necessitates that each computer program be able to draw information from the same databases and communicate with each other reliably. While upgrading your software system may seem like a major undertaking, improved efficiency is a valuable result.
The Schools Interoperability Framework Association (SIFA) offers route management software providers an industry-supported technical blueprint for student management programs that have attained SIF compliance.
Routing software providers that are members of SIFA are thus able to create applications based on this blueprint that interact with student management software and share data seamlessly.
Your route optimization software should be able to add, withdraw and change routing information within your student information system as you make amendments within the routing software. Your district benefits from a reduced chance of errors and a single, universal set of data.
One of the most important features to consider when researching bus routing software that integrates with student management programs is live synchronization: automated, simultaneous updates between software systems.
Live synchronization verifies that student addresses are included within bus routing software and imports information from the student information system if the address field is blank.
Among numerous other features of integrated routing software is the program’s ability to update pick-up and drop-off locations for alternate addresses and export this information to student information system tables.
If your student information system is not compatible with SIF, bus scheduling software is also able to create a Custom Import Tool that helps you integrate your student management software. With the Custom Import Tool, you are able to complete the following operations:
Bus scheduling software that includes an Internet add-on allows any authorized user to safely view data via a computer or smartphone with Internet access. This beneficial feature enables users to view, print, sort and format reports from anywhere.
Students who forget their bus number may ask a parent, teacher or secretary to remind them, because this information is accessible through any web browser with a verified user account.
Software integration between your student information system and bus routing program helps your school district’s transportation program become more organized and efficient in operations. The ability to draw from one set of data instead of multiple sets in different locations is a valuable first step towards switching to electronic, paperless processes.
Speaking with an industry professional helps you get answers to questions about how route optimization software would interact with your current student management program. An expert is able to offer guidance on the benefits of bus routing software.
Ready to speak with an industry professional knowledgeable about integrating routing software and student information systems? Call 267-915-4188 or click here to access a live chat and receive help.