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BusBoss Blogs


On-the-Fly Routing: Navigating Challenges When School Buses or Drivers Are Unavailable

Far too many school districts have difficulty recruiting and keeping bus drivers, often making do with a bare minimum number of drivers. This creates challenges in the best of times but can pose a serious problem if a driver is absent and no backup is avai..

school_bus_routing_software, Driver, Drivers, School_Buses, School_bus_industry

Student Data Dilemmas: Integrating SIS for Accurate and Up-to-Date Information in 2024

Every student record update begins with one person. And therein lies the challenge: If that one person’s pupil-information update within his or her specific records platform doesn’t integrate across all software platforms… Well, you’ve seen the result.

BusBoss, Student_Tracking_Software, School_Bus_Routing, School_Buses, Student_Transportation, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_fleet_development

Help for the Biggest School Bus Transportation Woes

Managing a school district’s transportation system has never been easy, and it seems to be getting harder. While the industry has largely recovered from COVID disruptions, there are still numerous pressing issues facing district transportation managers acr..

Transportation_Management_Software, School_Buses, student_transportation_software, school_bus_transportation, School_bus_industry

Simplifying the Mountain of Paperwork in School Bus Transportation

During the early 1900s…states distributed funds to school districts based on “flat grants…” one basic dollar amount per student to each district regardless of its wealth or need. -The Process of Education Reform

BusBoss, School_Buses, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry, school_transportation_management

Behind the Wheel Struggles: Tackling Bus Driver Shortages and Overloaded Routes

Students standing in overloaded school bus aisles? That’s the situation some districts are facing, and it’s understatedly dangerous. Most U.S. school buses don’t have overhead handholds, so an unexpected fast stop can send kids tumbling.

transportation_management_services, School_Buses, school_bus_driver_shortage, School_bus_driver_trainig, school_bus_route_scheduling_software

Addressing the Challenge of Missed Buses and Missing Children

When a school district oversees hundreds or thousands of children per day, it’s always a possibility a child will get lost in the shuffle. This is an extremely serious situation, but most of the time, the child can be located if everyone involved keeps a c..

Transportation_Management_Software, BusBoss, school_bus_routing_software, School_Buses, school_bus_tracking_software, route_efficiency, school_bus_route_scheduling_software, missing_children

What To Look For in School Transportation Software & Providers

School districts are scrambling to find answers to the problems of safe, efficient, affordable student transportation in the 21st century. Today’s challenges are nothing new, but our technology – where it exists – is outdated and inefficient.

BusBoss, school_bus_routing_software, School_Buses, school_bus_tracking_software, school_bus_software, School_bus_fleet_development, route_efficiency, school_bus_route_optimization, school_bus_route_scheduling_software

School Transportation: Lessons Learned and Future Preparedness

Most of us cite 2020, the year of COVID-19, as the beginning of the school transportation driver shortage. Yes, the current school bus driver shortage is making global headlines, but student transportation industry issues have always existed. In 1950, seve..

Transportation_Management_Software, school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Routing, School_Buses, school_bus_tracking_software, student_transportation_software, school_bus_transportation, School_Bus_Technology, Student_School_Bus_Safety, route_efficiency, school_bus_route_planning_software, school_bus_route_optimization, school_bus_route_scheduling_software

How To Fund The Implementation of Electric School Buses

Every year, more pressure is put on school districts to move away from older gasoline/diesel school buses, and to deploy electric vehicles (EVs) instead. EVs have become entirely viable for bus fleets while bringing numerous advantages. EVs require less ma..

route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Routing, School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, electric_school_buses, school_bus_driver_shortages, school_bus_funding, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Congressional Representative Pushes for School Bus Only CDL

It's no secret that the school bus driver shortage is only getting worse. Year after year, school districts are having more difficulty finding drivers, and it's becoming an increasing burden on district transportation managers. The ongoing COVID-19 outbrea..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, school_bus

New York Launches School Bus Driver Outreach

In previous articles, we mentioned that it seemed like state intervention may be called for when dealing with the school bus driver shortage - and apparently, New York agrees. New York Governor Kathy Hochul recently announced a series of state-level action..

School_Buses, school_bus_driver_shortage, recruit_school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_outreach

Can Electric School Buses Benefit Low Income Communities?

In the ongoing push to move towards ecologically friendly bus fleets, electric school buses are rapidly gaining traction. Modern electric buses have overcome nearly all the problems that faced them a decade ago - they're now as powerful and robust as diese..

School_Buses, electric_school_buses, electric_school_bus

Back to School 2021 - Preparing for Uncertainty

Few semesters have ever been under such a cloud of uncertainty as back to school 2021 will be. In many places, this is the first time that regular school will happen in over a year, and a lot of people are still worried about it happening smoothly. A lot o..

School_Buses, school_reopenings, back_to_school

Hiccups in Supply Chains Affect Student Bus Transportation

School Transportation News recently posted an in-depth article talking about new challenges facing the student bus transportation industry. The various economic upheavals of 2020, spearheaded by the COVID-19 outbreak, have disrupted supply chains around th..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, supply_chains

California Hits the Road With 2 Propane School Buses

Despite all the economic hurdles of the last year, districts are still finding ways to upgrade their school busses to better, cleaner options. School Bus Fleet recently reported on a California district, Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District in Napa Cou..

School_Buses, propane_fueled_buses, Greener_school_buses

COVID Student Safety Starts With School Buses

Is your district still doing everything possible to keep your school buses safe from COVID-19? Even though vaccination rates are rising, and infections are dropping, it's still a threat. Worse, new mutations like the Delta variant are creating new threats,..

school_bus_safety, School_Buses, COVID_student_safety

Electric School Buses Linked to Environmental Justice

We recently came across a fascinating article on School Bus Fleet, interviewing Johana Vicente. Vicente is the national director of a socio-environmental activist group called Chispa, dedicated to looking at the impact of fossil fuels on people of color. T..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, electrical_school_buses

Locating Funding for Electric School Buses

Every year, more pressure is put on school districts to move away from older gasoline/diesel school buses, and to deploy electric vehicles (EVs) instead. EVs have become entirely viable for bus fleets while bringing numerous advantages. EVs require less ma..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, electric_school_buses, school_bus_funding

School Bus Transportation in 2021

These are chaotic times for school districts and school bus transportation managers. Between the ongoing driver shortage and all the disruption caused by COVID-19, it's easy to feel like things are getting a bit out of control. Well, take heart, because yo..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation

Operational Optimization: Planning Ahead

When school districts want to - or need to - reduce the costs of their transportation system, one of the best options is to optimize their bus routes. It's rare for a district to have perfect route optimization, and just about any updates they can make wil..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, Yellow_School_Bus

Texas School Buses May Continue Requiring Masks

Texas recently made headlines for stepping down its COVID-19 mask requirements. Businesses around the lone star state are no longer mandated to enforce mask-wearing on their premises - but they are still allowed to voluntarily require masks, if they choose..

school_bus_safety, School_Buses, Student_Transportation, Texas_school_buses

Electric School Buses: Myths Versus Facts

Electric school buses may be one of the most misunderstood types of alt-fuel buses. In many ways, they're the safest and cleanest of all the ways you could power a bus, but there is a lot of misinformation out there. Some of the myths used to be true, and ..

School_Buses, school_bus_fleet, electric_school_buses

Federal Legislation Seeks $1B in Funding for School Buses

If your school district is interested in upgrading to electric school buses, you may get some help in the next few years. The "Clean School Bus Act" has been re-introduced in the House Of Representatives, and would provide over $1 billion dollars in fundin..

School_Buses, school_bus_laws, school_bus_funding

Making Social Distancing Work on a School Bus

If your school is maintaining in-person classes during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, your district should be doing everything possible to reduce the chances of disease transmission. This is a major challenge - especially on school buses! As a small en..

school_bus_safety, School_Buses, covid-19

Reducing the Costs of School Bus Transportation

There's no doubt that maintaining and running a school bus fleet is one of the most expensive aspects of school budgeting. It's often the 2nd or 3rd largest line item in many school budgets. Buses are costly to run and maintain but are absolutely required ..

School_Buses, school_bus_transportation, School_bus_fleet_development

Encouraging Loyalty in School Bus Drivers

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, schools around the nation were struggling to find enough school bus drivers to keep all their routes running. The coronavirus only made things worse. It's become harder than ever for schools to find and keep drivers, part..

School_Buses, electric_school_buses, training_school_bus_drivers

K-12 Relief Funds: School Bus Ventilation Systems

Shortly before leaving office, President Donald Trump signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 into law. Part of this law includes over $54 billion in funding grants to help both public and charter schools respond to the COVID-19 outbreak.

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_ventilation_systems

Propane Autogas Eases Back-to-School Challenges

Of all the back-to-school challenges facing school districts in 2020, the problem of successfully busing students may be one of the most pressing. By law, every district must provide transportation for any student that needs it - but schools only have so m..

School_Buses, propane_fueled_buses, propane_autogas

School Buses Deliver Meals to Virtual Learners

If your school is closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak or only operating at a reduced capacity, it may feel like you're letting your community down. Parents rely on functioning schools for everything from childcare to meal preparation, a..

School_Buses, school_bus_transportation

School Districts Try out Lighted Signs on School Buses

School bus safety is one of the foremost concerns for any school transportation program - and there is no shortage of companies trying to sell you upgrades in the name of safety. Sorting through them in terms of cost vs benefit can be difficult, particular..

school_bus_safety, School_Buses, Student_Transportation, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation


4 Ways to Decrease Costs With Fuel Management

With school district finances being stretched to the max, administrators are being asked to find innovative solutions for saving money to avoid cutting programs. School District transportation departments are often called upon to minimize their budgets and..

School_Buses, fuel_efficiency, fuel_management


Are School Buses Really the Safest Way to Get to School?

It’s understandable that parents and school district staff would wonder about the safety of school buses. After all, school buses carry their most precious cargo. Though accidents do happen, school buses remain the safest way to transport students to and f..

school_bus_safety, School_Buses, keeping_students_safe

Wi-Fi Equipped School Buses Gaining in Popularity

The practice of equipping school buses with Wi-Fi is growing in popularity across the U.S., and it’s easy to understand why. School buses are no longer used just for taking students to and from school. As more school districts are pushing to provide intern..

routing_software, GPS_Tracking, School_Buses

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