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Help for the Biggest School Bus Transportation Woes

Managing a school district’s transportation system has never been easy, and it seems to be getting harder. While the industry has largely recovered from COVID disruptions, there are still numerous pressing issues facing district transportation managers acr..

Transportation_Management_Software, School_Buses, student_transportation_software, school_bus_transportation, School_bus_industry

School Transportation: Lessons Learned and Future Preparedness

Most of us cite 2020, the year of COVID-19, as the beginning of the school transportation driver shortage. Yes, the current school bus driver shortage is making global headlines, but student transportation industry issues have always existed. In 1950, seve..

Transportation_Management_Software, school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Routing, School_Buses, school_bus_tracking_software, student_transportation_software, school_bus_transportation, School_Bus_Technology, Student_School_Bus_Safety, route_efficiency, school_bus_route_planning_software, school_bus_route_optimization, school_bus_route_scheduling_software


Serving Students With Autism

Autism is a term frequently used to describe a group of neuro-developmental disorders. Students on the autism spectrum generally experience challenges related to communication, social interaction and restrictive or repetitive interests or behaviors. These ..

school_bus_safety, special_needs_student_transportation, students_with_autism, school_bus_transportation

Tips for Recruiting School Bus Drivers

We keep waiting for the bus driver shortage to end, but it doesn't. For years now, schools have been struggling to find enough school bus drivers to keep all their routes running, and still the problem persists. According to recent studies, 24% of district..

bus_route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, recruit_school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Considering the Future of the Yellow School Bus

What's going to happen to the traditional yellow school bus in the years ahead? Given how much the COVID-19 outbreak has shaken up industries and economies around the world, a lot of people are wondering what it means for the future of school bus transport..

Student_Transportation, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, Yellow_School_Bus

School Bus Transportation in 2021

These are chaotic times for school districts and school bus transportation managers. Between the ongoing driver shortage and all the disruption caused by COVID-19, it's easy to feel like things are getting a bit out of control. Well, take heart, because yo..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation

School Bus Transportation: COVID-19 Relief Funding

If your school district is in need of school bus transportation upgrades to help you deal with COVID-19 or to otherwise upgrade your school, there's good news. Congress has passed several bills recently aimed at providing COVID-19 funding to schools, and t..

school_bus_policies, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_funding, school_bus

Reducing the Costs of School Bus Transportation

There's no doubt that maintaining and running a school bus fleet is one of the most expensive aspects of school budgeting. It's often the 2nd or 3rd largest line item in many school budgets. Buses are costly to run and maintain but are absolutely required ..

School_Buses, school_bus_transportation, School_bus_fleet_development

School Bus Industry: Front-line Heroes

We recently saw a wonderful article from School Transportation News (STN) highlighting some of the most extraordinary things done by school bus drivers in the past year. The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak challenged service workers around the world to step ..

school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, School_bus_industry

School Buses Deliver Meals to Virtual Learners

If your school is closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak or only operating at a reduced capacity, it may feel like you're letting your community down. Parents rely on functioning schools for everything from childcare to meal preparation, a..

School_Buses, school_bus_transportation

How Student Transportation Is Changing From COVID-19 According To The Experts

2020 was a year of crisis for many industries, and that certainly includes the student transportation industry. Schools across the nation were completely unprepared for the pandemic, leading to them having to make many blind leaps into policy changes or ne..

Student_Transportation, school_bus_transportation, coronavirus

School Districts Try out Lighted Signs on School Buses

School bus safety is one of the foremost concerns for any school transportation program - and there is no shortage of companies trying to sell you upgrades in the name of safety. Sorting through them in terms of cost vs benefit can be difficult, particular..

school_bus_safety, School_Buses, Student_Transportation, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation

Virginia School District Adds Safety Tech to School Buses

If you want a model for how technology can be used to improve school bus safety, you could easily look to Chesapeake Public School District in Chesapeake, VA. As highlighted in a recent School Bus Fleet article, the district has made a nearly unprecedented..

school_bus_safety, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_safety_plans

Eight Tips for Recruiting School Bus Drivers

We keep waiting for the bus driver shortage to end, but it doesn't. For years now, schools have been struggling to find enough school bus drivers to keep all their routes running, and still the problem persists. According to recent studies, 24% of district..

school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, recruit_school_bus_drivers

Four Tips for Improving Student Bus Transportation in 2020

How are you going to improve your student bus transportation system in 2020 and beyond? The previous decade has seen huge shifts in how schools handle their buses, as well as student safety. Now is the perfect time to start looking ahead, and planning how ..

school_bus_management, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation

School Bus Transportation-2

School Bus Transportation: Plans for Volkswagen Funding

In 2015, it was revealed that German car maker Volkswagen - along with all their associated subsidiaries - had been engaging in widespread fraud to cheat results of emissions testing on many of their vehicles. Ultimately, VW had been cheating going back to..


school bus transportation (1)-1

The Future Of School Bus Transportation: Raising the Safety Bar

When it comes to running a school bus transportation system, nothing is more important than protecting the precious cargo onboard each bus. For a long time, transportation administrators had limited options for improving bus safety, but in recent years we'..

school_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation_technology

School Bus Transportation (3)

Four Ways to Make Parents Comfortable With School Bus Transportation

First days of school are often hard on the children, but it seems like it's becoming common for that first day to be hard on the parents as well. In this age of "helicopter parenting" it can be difficult for parents to wave goodbye to their children as the..


school bus transportation (2)-1

School Bus Transportation: Calming Autistic Students

The numbers are a bit fuzzy, but somewhere between 1-2% of students are diagnosed as having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a developmental disorder that creates social and communicative impairments. Autistic students can be difficult to deal with - partic..


School Bus Transportation (1)

Environmental Benefits of School Bus Transportation

Is yellow the new green? It would be if more people knew the environmental benefits of school bus transportation! School buses bring numerous benefits to a community, but all too often, the environmental aspects are overlooked. Buses can genuinely help red..


school bus transportation-1

Are You Educating Parents On The Benefits Of Riding The School Bus?

Have you reminded your district's parents and guardians about why riding the school bus is important? School buses have been part of American school life even before the invention of the motor engine, with the earliest "buses" being horse-drawn. It's easy ..

school_bus_transportation, School_bus_industry, School_Bus_Passenger_Safety

school bus transportation (2)

Why Does It Matter How Kids Get to School?

One question a school district often hears from community members is, "Why does it matter how kids get to school?" From what we've seen, this seems especially common among people without children of their own, objecting to the idea of paying for school bus..



School Bus Transportation: Back-to-School Safety Checklist

It's back-to-school time, and that means preparing students for their new year at school. There's a lot of information to convey - all of it important - but very little is more important than ensuring safe usage of your school bus transportation system. An..


school bus transportation

Preparing Children to Ride the School Bus

Will your incoming 2018-19 students be ready for their first bus rides? Summer is the perfect time to help parents prepare their children! There's probably no more challenging time for a school bus transportation director than the first week of classes. St..



School Bus Transportation: Reducing Carbon Footprints

School districts across North America are seeking out ways to reduce their carbon footprint, and transportation departments are playing a major role in this process. Of course, switching to propane or other cleaner fuels to power school buses is one way to..

reducing_carbon_footprints, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_ridership


Arizona School Buses Embrace Propane Fueling

Someone call Hank Hill: Propane could be one of the solutions your school district is looking for in lowering school bus transportation costs!

alternative_fuel, school_bus_transportation, Arizona_school_buses

Eight-Way Light System on Wisconsin School Buses

This fall, Wisconsin implemented an eight-way light system for school buses throughout the state. This measure aims to increase the safety of students who rely on school bus transportation. A law that went into effect on August 16 now requires the eight-li..

school_bus_safety, school_bus_transportation_software, school_bus_transportation, Wisconsin_school_buses


School Bus Transportation: Serving Students and Communities

Even though big yellow buses are most commonly associated with schools, that doesn't mean school bus transportation is only about schools. A fleet of buses is a genuine asset for any community, and they can be put to creative use in ways that go beyond the..

school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_fleet, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation


Daycares to Pay School Bus Fee in Pennsylvania

It's no secret that many school districts around the country are looking for creative new ways to make up budget deficits, but some ideas are going down easier than others. The Dallastown Area School District (DASD) in Pennsylvania has made headlines recen..

Student_Transportation, Pennsylvania_school_buses, school_bus_transportation


School Bus Transportation: Serving Students With Autism

Autism is a term frequently used to describe a group of neuro-developmental disorders. Students on the autism spectrum generally experience challenges related to communication, social interaction and restrictive or repetitive interests or behaviors. These ..

school_bus_safety, special_needs_student_transportation, students_with_autism, school_bus_transportation

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