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BusBoss Blogs


Timely School Bus Stops: Addressing the Consequences of Inaccurate Stop Time Adjustments

Most days, school bus passenger loading and unloading is safe and timely. Districts input pickup wait times (3 minutes is average) and drop-off times based on historical data their software provides. But complications including weather and traffic can impa..

Fleet_Tracking_Systems, School_Bus_Routing, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry, School_Bus_Routing_System

School Bus Map Mayhem: Rectifying Outdated or Incorrect Maps

You may also have fewer bus drivers than you’d like. You need to keep costs to a minimum. But it’s more important than ever to have well-optimized routes for your school buses. This is why, for years, most school districts have adopted bus routing software..

school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Technology, School_bus_fleet_development, School_bus_industry, School_Bus_Routing_System

Time's Up: Urgency in Addressing School Bus Drivers with Expired Credentials

As a school district transportation coordinator, it's vital to ensure your buses are always fit for duty. Typically this involves focusing on repair and maintenance issues. However, it can be easy to overlook one other crucial matter: credentials. Your dri..

BusBoss, School_Bus_Routing, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_Bus_Routing_System

Juggling Responsibilities in School Bus Operations

School transportation directors: are you keeping the needs of your bus drivers in mind? They have to juggle a lot of responsibilities on the road, while still keeping their passengers safe. There's a lot you can do to make their lives easier, while also he..

school_bus_policies, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_Bus_Routing_System, route_efficiency, school_bus_operations

Why Diversity Training For School Bus Drivers Is A Must

While it's true that bus driver training is already a fairly lengthy process, more school districts are starting to add another element to their curriculum: diversity training. Providing diversity training to your school bus drivers can help them fit in be..

route_optimization, school_bus_drivers, School_Bus_Routing_System, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

School Bus Routing System

How to Choose the Right School Bus Routing System

More and more districts are discovering the benefits of embracing a school bus routing system. The right software can radically optimize your routes, while requiring only a fraction of the time needed to create bus routes by hand. They can even offer ongoi..


school bus routing (1)

School Bus Routing: From Hard Copy to Digital

If a school district were looking for a single piece of software which would do the most to streamline its operations and potentially cut costs, school bus routing software is easily one of the best options. It's an affordable all-in-one package that will ..

school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Routing, School_Bus_Routing_System

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