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How To Fund The Implementation of Electric School Buses

Every year, more pressure is put on school districts to move away from older gasoline/diesel school buses, and to deploy electric vehicles (EVs) instead. EVs have become entirely viable for bus fleets while bringing numerous advantages. EVs require less ma..

route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Routing, School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, electric_school_buses, school_bus_driver_shortages, school_bus_funding, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Having An Electric School Bus Fleet Is Easier Than Many People Think

If your district is thinking about adding electric vehicles (EVs) to your school bus fleet, don't let outdated fears hold you back! Electric buses have come a long way in the last decade, from being impractical to being entirely capable of serving a school..

fleet_maintenance, electric_school_buses

Reimagining the School Bus Ridership Experience

According to multiple studies, less than half of students who are eligible to ride the school bus are actually doing so. Low school bus ridership can actually be a problem for districts that are looking to maintain their state funding or keep a full fleet ..

electric_school_buses, school_bus_ridership, school_bus_riders

Can Electric School Buses Benefit Low Income Communities?

In the ongoing push to move towards ecologically friendly bus fleets, electric school buses are rapidly gaining traction. Modern electric buses have overcome nearly all the problems that faced them a decade ago - they're now as powerful and robust as diese..

School_Buses, electric_school_buses, electric_school_bus

Electric School Buses: Maintaining Your Fleet

As school districts look to upgrade their aging diesel bus fleets to more modern, ecologically friendly options, electric school buses are becoming an increasingly popular option. Old problems with limited power and battery life are quickly being overcome...

electric_school_buses, Hybrid_Buses, electric_school_bus, hybrid_school_buses

Locating Funding for Electric School Buses

Every year, more pressure is put on school districts to move away from older gasoline/diesel school buses, and to deploy electric vehicles (EVs) instead. EVs have become entirely viable for bus fleets while bringing numerous advantages. EVs require less ma..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, electric_school_buses, school_bus_funding

Electric School Buses: Myths Versus Facts

Electric school buses may be one of the most misunderstood types of alt-fuel buses. In many ways, they're the safest and cleanest of all the ways you could power a bus, but there is a lot of misinformation out there. Some of the myths used to be true, and ..

School_Buses, school_bus_fleet, electric_school_buses

Encouraging Loyalty in School Bus Drivers

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, schools around the nation were struggling to find enough school bus drivers to keep all their routes running. The coronavirus only made things worse. It's become harder than ever for schools to find and keep drivers, part..

School_Buses, electric_school_buses, training_school_bus_drivers

Safely Disinfecting School Buses

For as long as the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak lasts, it's going to be absolutely vital to keep your school buses clean and sanitized. Buses will always be a high-risk area for transmission, so they call for high levels of diligence. Parents need to feel..

Student_Transportation, electric_school_buses, Student_School_Bus_Safety, school_bus_cleaning

New York City School Buses to Go Electric

For fans of electric school buses and other electric vehicle initiatives, there's big news to celebrate coming out of New York City. Recently, the mayor of NYC, Bill De Blasio, signed an executive order which mandates that all NYC government fleet vehicles..

electric_school_buses, New_York_school_buses, School_Bus_News, electric_school_bus

electric school buses

The Pros and Cons of Electric School Buses

The push to embrace alt-fuels in school bus fleets continues unabated, complete with both the Federal government, and many states, offering incentives to move away from gas or diesel. Previously, the conversation about alt-fuel buses mainly revolved around..

electric_school_buses, electric_school_bus

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Electric School Buses Coming In 2019 - Time To Think About Upgrading?

An electric school bus is one of those ideas that often seems to sound better on paper than it is in practice. Everyone knows that fossil fuels won't last forever, and they’re bad for the environment. But the costs of moving to electric, and the significan..

alternative_fuel, electric_school_buses

New Heavy-Duty Electric Drivetrain Designed for School Buses

Options in gasoline alternatives for student bus transportation continue to expand. As we've talked about before, both propane and natural-gas engines are becoming more popular with school districts, thanks to their lower ongoing costs and better emissions..

school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_fleet, student_bus_transportation, electric_school_buses

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