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School Bus Routing Software & Licenses

One definition of “change management” is that it is the intentional route traveled by an organization – school district or transportation service providers, for example – from where you are to where you want to be. There are few surprises if the change is ..

BusBoss, School_Bus_Routing, GIS_routing_systems, school_bus_software, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry

Student Data Dilemmas: Integrating SIS for Accurate and Up-to-Date Information in 2024

Every student record update begins with one person. And therein lies the challenge: If that one person’s pupil-information update within his or her specific records platform doesn’t integrate across all software platforms… Well, you’ve seen the result.

BusBoss, Student_Tracking_Software, School_Bus_Routing, School_Buses, Student_Transportation, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_fleet_development

Time's Up: Urgency in Addressing School Bus Drivers with Expired Credentials

As a school district transportation coordinator, it's vital to ensure your buses are always fit for duty. Typically this involves focusing on repair and maintenance issues. However, it can be easy to overlook one other crucial matter: credentials. Your dri..

BusBoss, School_Bus_Routing, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_Bus_Routing_System

Simplifying the Mountain of Paperwork in School Bus Transportation

During the early 1900s…states distributed funds to school districts based on “flat grants…” one basic dollar amount per student to each district regardless of its wealth or need. -The Process of Education Reform

BusBoss, School_Buses, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry, school_transportation_management

Data-Driven Decision-Making: How Analytics Revolutionize School Transportation

In 2016, the Maine Department of Education performed a Transportation Case Study. Software for school bus transportation had never been used, and its implementation enabled the transportation department to replace manual bus-routing processes with technolo..

BusBoss, GIS_technology, GIS_routing_systems, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, school_transportation_software

Expired Credentials on the Road: Safeguarding School Bus Transportation

There's a lot to keep track of when managing a school district's bus fleet - but don't allow basic licensing and other credentials to go overlooked! Your drivers' licenses and insurance must be maintained, and your buses will also require regular inspectio..

BusBoss, transportation_management_services, school_bus_driver, school_bus_driver_shortage, school_bus_driver_training, Student_School_Bus_Safety

Addressing the Challenge of Missed Buses and Missing Children

When a school district oversees hundreds or thousands of children per day, it’s always a possibility a child will get lost in the shuffle. This is an extremely serious situation, but most of the time, the child can be located if everyone involved keeps a c..

Transportation_Management_Software, BusBoss, school_bus_routing_software, School_Buses, school_bus_tracking_software, route_efficiency, school_bus_route_scheduling_software, missing_children

What Can We Do About the School Bus Driver Shortage in 2024?

School district years are August-May or September-June. But for many districts, planning for the 2024-2025 school year begins before January. One of the top priorities this year will be student transportation and how to get kids to and from school without ..

Transportation_Management_Software, BusBoss, school_bus_routing_software, Driver, Student_School_Bus_Safety, school_bus_driver_shortages, route_efficiency, driver_shortages, vehicle_tracking_software

What To Look For in School Transportation Software & Providers

School districts are scrambling to find answers to the problems of safe, efficient, affordable student transportation in the 21st century. Today’s challenges are nothing new, but our technology – where it exists – is outdated and inefficient.

BusBoss, school_bus_routing_software, School_Buses, school_bus_tracking_software, school_bus_software, School_bus_fleet_development, route_efficiency, school_bus_route_optimization, school_bus_route_scheduling_software

Navigating the Challenges: How Bus Routing Software Adapts to Weather and Traffic

At this point, the issue of creating static school bus routes has been largely solved. Modern bus routing software can work with even the largest districts, chewing through thousands of potential routes for hundreds of buses to deliver optimized solutions...

Transportation_Management_Software, BusBoss, school_bus_routing_software, GPS_Tracking, school_bus_tracking_software, student_transportation_software, GPS_Student_Tracking, Student_School_Bus_Safety, route_efficiency, school_bus_route_planning_software, school_bus_route_optimization, school_bus_route_scheduling_software

Tracking Student Incidents And Maintaining Bus Safety

School Bus Safety is an often neglected topic for many people, which is unfortunate because millions of students are transported daily on school buses. We have a civic responsibility to promote school bus safety whenever, and wherever, we can.

Transportation_Management_Software, school_bus_management, BusBoss, route_optimization, route_planning, Student_Safety, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Using Google Maps to Manually Locate Schools in BusBoss

BusBoss does a great job of automatically locating addresses, but there are times when it cannot find the school’s location. When this happens, you can use google maps to manually locate schools in BusBoss. Here’s how…

BusBoss, route_planning, bus_route_optimization, school, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Display Dead Ends to Find Map Problems

School bus route optimization requires accurate map data. Different map sources are available but there are several aspects of map data that determines its quality.

Transportation_Management_Software, bus_routing, school_bus_management, BusBoss, route_optimization, route_planning, bus_software, school_bus_routing_software, fleet_optimization, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

How To Display Dead Ends to Find Map Problem

School bus route optimization requires accurate map data. Different map sources are available but there are several aspects of map data that determines its quality.

Transportation_Management_Software, bus_routing, school_bus_management, BusBoss, route_optimization, route_planning, bus_software, fleet_optimization

How To Make Court Ordered Split Custody School Bus Routing Easier

As a transportation director, you have many responsibilities. Accommodating court ordered split custody school bus routing is just another one of them. While you may find this to be a nuisance, there is school transportation management software available t..

Transportation_Management_Software, bus_routing_software, BusBoss, route_optimization, student_management_system, split_custody_routing, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

student bus transportation(1)

Top Tech for Student Bus Transportation

We're living in an age of nonstop technological progress and innovation in all areas of life, and that includes student bus transportation. New school bus technologies are arriving every year, and while not all will become widely adopted, each offers new o..

bus_routing_software, BusBoss, school_bus_routing_software, student_bus_transportation

How to Use Google Maps to Manually Locate Schools in BusBoss

BusBoss does a great job of automatically locating addresses, but there are times when it cannot find the school’s location. When this happens, you can use google maps to manually locate schools in BusBoss. Here’s how…

BusBoss, route_planning, school

15 Ways Pearson PowerSchool Integration Brings Peace of Mind to Parents, Teachers & Administrators

It seems to happen so rarely, but doesn't your school district run more smoothly when everyone's more-or-less satisfied?

BusBoss, Pearson_PowerSchool, school_bus_routing_software

Need State Funding? How Pearson PowerSchool Integration Can Help!

A school in America lives or dies by its state funding. When funds are doled out according to statistics - such as bus ridership, attendance rates, and test scores - it's vital a school receives every dollar it's due, while still trying to increase the num..

BusBoss, Pearson_PowerSchool, school_bus_routing_software

12 Ways Pearson PowerSchool Integration Saves School Resources

BusBoss has gotten better! Thanks to our new PowerSchool integration, it's possible for schools around the world to merge their bus-routing and student information systems into a single software suite. Doing so creates one of the most powerful combined too..

PowerSchool, BusBoss, powerschool_integration, Pearson_PowerSchool, school_bus_routing_software

Court Ordered Split Custody School Bus Routing

As a transportation director, you have many responsibilities. Accommodating court ordered split custody school bus routing is just another one of them. While you may find this to be a nuisance, there is school transportation management software available t..

Transportation_Management_Software, bus_routing_software, BusBoss, student_management_system, split_custody_routing

School Bus Route Optimization: What is it and Why do I care?

School Bus Route Optimization is a process where the transportation director at a school generates a set of bus routes that ensures all students are transported to their required school on time.

BusBoss, route_optimization

7 Questions to ask about School Transportation Management Software

After deciding that you need School Transportation Management Software, your next task is to decide which one to purchase. This is an important decision because you do not want to waste your valuable time and money.

Transportation_Management_Software, BusBoss

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