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BusBoss Blogs


Overcoming Inefficiencies in Outdated School Bus Routes

Houston parents were concerned and then angry about hours-long school bus routes for the district’s student-passengers. “The kids get off the bus and they rush to the bathroom,” said one mom. Another parent said he tracked his student; after one hour on th..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, routing_and_scheduling_software, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_fleet, GIS_routing_systems, student_transportation_software, school_bus, route_efficiency

How to Deal With Slow Traffic Areas For Buses

In many cities across the United States, morning and evening rush hour can be frustrating and a difficult undertaking. This issue is no different for school buses as they hit the same local traffic as other motorists. Through the use of modern technology t..

bus_routing, route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, bus_tracking, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Bus Safety: Don’t Turn That Bus Around

School buses are big. Really big! Whenever a school bus needs to turn around, especially when backing up, the potential for an accident is a lot higher. There are quite a few blind spots at the back of the bus that could prevent the driver from seeing a pa..

bus_routing, bus_route_optimization, Student_Safety, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Display Dead Ends to Find Map Problems

School bus route optimization requires accurate map data. Different map sources are available but there are several aspects of map data that determines its quality.

Transportation_Management_Software, bus_routing, school_bus_management, BusBoss, route_optimization, route_planning, bus_software, school_bus_routing_software, fleet_optimization, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

How To Display Dead Ends to Find Map Problem

School bus route optimization requires accurate map data. Different map sources are available but there are several aspects of map data that determines its quality.

Transportation_Management_Software, bus_routing, school_bus_management, BusBoss, route_optimization, route_planning, bus_software, fleet_optimization

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Route Optimization Software?

If you're in the business of planning a school's bus schedule, we don't have to tell you how demanding the job is. Hundreds or thousands of children rely on you to get to and from school safely, and if any of them are even a few minutes late, you'll be hea..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, route_optimization, route_planning, bus_route_optimization, route_optimization_software, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

10 Things to Consider When Reorganizing Your Bus Routes

When it comes to running a school's transportation system, your precious cargo truly does come first.

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, bus_software, bus_route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortage, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Safe-Driving Incentives To Keep Your Top Bus Drivers

The use of in-bus GPS systems continues to spread, and for good reason. Geolocation tracking leads directly to better oversight, faster communication, shorter bus runs, and an overall safer experience for students on every ride.

bus_routing, bus_route_optimization, bus_management_system, bus_driver, school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Routing, school_transportation_safety, school_bus_driver_shortage, School_bus_driver_safety, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

15 Tips On How To Prepare For A Bus Route Change

There are few responsibilities facing a school district which are larger, more important, or more potentially hazardous than your need to transport hundreds or thousands of students safely, every day.

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, bus_route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortage, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Identify Your Bus Routing Strengths And Weaknesses

When assessing your school district’s transportation program, there are a number of factors to analyze that make up a successful program. Cost management and benchmarking goals play an important role in determining how well your program operates.

bus_routing, route_optimization, gps_vehicle_fleet_tracking, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortage, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Quick Tips On How To Shorten Your Bus Routes

It might seem obvious, but there really is no benefit to having your buses on the road any longer than they need to be. Transportation budgets are a huge part of any business that maintains a bus fleet, and every extra minute they're on the road ultimately..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, bus_shortages

How Dispatching Software Can Be Doing More For You

These days, it seems like being in the school system is a pretty thankless job all around, especially if you follow news reports on schools. However, you know who never gets thanked? The folks whose job it is to ensure the busses keep running on time. Even..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, route_optimization, bus_software, transportation_management_services, Dispatch_Software, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Is Your Current Bus Route Planning Inefficient?

Each day, more than half of America’s K-12 students take the bus to school. In fact, the school bus industry is the largest form of mass transit in the U.S. School buses keep cars off the road and the environment cleaner. Making sure that school buses run ..

bus_routing, transportation_routing_software, route_planning, routing_software

Cutting Costs With Bus Routing Software

It’s no secret that school districts across the country are having a difficult time balancing their budgets. Whenever a school district faces financial challenges, the transportation department is a likely target for cuts. Eliminating bus stops and changin..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, Save_Route_Costs, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_ridership


Does Your Route Management Software Need an Upgrade?

The school bus route management process has a reputation for being complex and difficult to manage. Fortunately, route optimization software has eased the burden for school districts across North America. Bus routing software allows districts to create hyp..

bus_routing, route_planning, route_software


Is Your Current Bus Route Planning Inefficient? Easy Ways to Make Changes

Each day, more than half of America’s K-12 students take the bus to school. In fact, the school bus industry is the largest form of mass transit in the U.S. School buses keep cars off the road and the environment cleaner. Making sure that school buses run ..

bus_routing, transportation_routing_software, route_planning, routing_software

Bus Route Optimization: Finding the Most Logical Solution to Save Money

School districts with budget constraints and looming cuts are seeking out ways to get the most bang for their buck. Many are finding that bus route optimization is the perfect solution for saving money.

bus_routing, bus_route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, fleet_optimization, school_bus_fleet_optimization

Fleet Management: Identify Your Bus Routing Strengths And Weaknesses

When assessing your school district’s transportation program, there are a number of factors to analyze that make up a successful program. Cost management and benchmarking goals play an important role in determining how well your program operates.

bus_routing, route_optimization, gps_vehicle_fleet_tracking

Safe-Driving Incentives To Keep Your Top Bus Drivers!

The use of in-bus GPS systems continues to spread, and for good reason. Geolocation tracking leads directly to better oversight, faster communication, shorter bus runs, and an overall safer experience for students on every ride.

bus_routing, bus_management_system, bus_driver

10 Do’s & Don’ts Of Reorganizing A Bus Route

When it comes to running a school's transportation system, your precious cargo truly does come first.

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, school_bus_routing_software

Slow Traffic Areas For School Buses & How to Deal With Them

In many cities across the United States, morning and evening rush hour can be frustrating and a difficult undertaking. This issue is no different for school buses as they hit the same local traffic as other motorists. Through the use of modern technology t..

bus_routing, school_bus_routing_software, bus_tracking

10 Signs Your School Needs More Efficient Bus Routing

Students, parents, teachers, and schools all rely on a smoothly operating bus system so as to spend less time worrying about getting to school and back and more time focusing on bettering their lives. However, when a bus route is inefficient, it costs both..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, school_bus_routing_software

15 Tips On How To Prepare For A Bus Route Change

There are few responsibilities facing a school district which are larger, more important, or more potentially hazardous than your need to transport hundreds or thousands of students safely, every day.

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, school_bus_routing_software

Bus Routing Cheat Sheet: Is Your School Ready for Opening Day?

Summer Vacation is, of course, never a real vacation if you're a school administrator. (Although not having kids constantly underfoot is nice.) Parents and students often don't understand how much work is involved in ensuring a school is ready for the firs..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, school_bus_routing_software

Is Your Bus Route Too Long? Quick Tips On How To Improve It!

It might seem obvious, but there really is no benefit to having your buses on the road any longer than they need to be. Transportation budgets are a huge part of any business that maintains a bus fleet, and every extra minute they're on the road ultimately..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, school_bus_routing_software

4 Tips To Using School Bus Routing Software

If you've recently purchased new school bus routing software – which is an excellent idea, by the way – it may be hard for you to get a handle on all the new features of the software package. While the basic interface is simple enough for anyone to learn w..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, school_bus_routing_software

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