BusBoss Transportation Software Blog

Timely School Bus Stops: Addressing the Consequences of Inaccurate Stop Time Adjustments

Written by Sonia Mastros | 5/10/24 5:00 PM

Most days, school bus passenger loading and unloading is safe and timely. Districts input pickup wait times (3 minutes is average) and drop-off times based on historical data their software provides. But complications including weather and traffic can impact bus routes as well as travel times. 

The Effects of Late School Buses

Roadway conditions and traffic patterns should always be a consideration for school bus speed. Increasing travel speed to overcome a delayed stop time is rarely an option. Bus drivers also cannot shorten their required stop times to manage late pickups or dropoffs.

Some of the ramifications of late school buses are:

  • Loss of teachable moments
    • Students who are regularly 10 minutes late can lose thirty hours of instruction per year.
  • Lower grades
  • Low-income students miss school breakfast
    • Lowers academic performance
    • Reduces socialization abilities
  • Morale problems
    • Middle-school students display psychological/behavioral problems that can lead to bullying, dependencies, and fighting.
  • Nonattendance issues/increased absenteeism
  • Parental employment risks
    • Late for work due to late bus arrival
  • Reduction in test scoresSafety concerns about students waiting too long at pickup sites
  • Students with disabilities can become agitated and confused.
    • Consistently late buses can “prohibit free and appropriate education;” a violation of the Individuals With Disabilities Act.

It’s Never Too Late for School Transportation Software Solutions

In 2018, the New York City Department of Education (NYDOE) determined there had been about 311 late buses on any given school day. Much of it was caused by traffic. This launched an initiative to solve the problems and led to technology investments.

Drivers should be trained to manage school bus emergencies, including fire, intruder, medical, and natural disasters. However unforeseen and inaccurate stop time adjustments are best managed through software applications. If a bus goes off-route or begins a domino effect of late pickup and drop-off at each stop, school staff and parents should receive immediate alerts.

TRIPpatrol school bus tracking software offers real-time bus monitoring. You can observe and receive position updates for buses in your fleet as they travel their routes. There are minimal monthly fees for this software upgrade, and your buses will need GPS hardware. Capturing definitive data not only reveals problems in transportation times, but it can also generate information about ongoing issues (speeding excesses, unauthorized route stops, etc.).

Parents are notified if there are route delays and changes. They can also view real-time bus locations as well as:

  • Bus’s estimated time of arrival
  • How many stops before the student’s bus stop
  • Tracking for multiple children in one household

Families with educational choices will choose school districts implementing industry-best transportation technology. Why wait? Call 866-740-8994 or contact BusBoss.

What’s the best transportation policy or process used by your school or district? Share your successes with other educational professionals.