Driver Record Evaluation
Reviewing the driving record of school bus drivers helps districts and contractors determine if they are eligible for their job. Any driver who has accumulated ten or more penalty points is ineligible to drive students until these points are removed. There are many safety issues that could lead to points being assessed. One, two, three, or 10 points may be assessed for each offense, depending on their severity. High point-value issues include offenses that are criminal in nature, such as driving while intoxicated, which could lead to permanent removal of driving privileges. Lower-point violations include problems like failing to properly inspect equipment and systems prior to getting on the road.
Emphasizing Student Safety
The behavior of school bus operators can have a profound impact on the safety of school bus passengers. Along with consistent evaluation of their driving record, school bus drivers should also participate in training opportunities. Technology is further enhancing the safety of school bus riders. Specialized transportation software helps school districts plan their routes then track their school buses, so that they are notified of potential driver concerns such as unauthorized stops and route deviations. It’s also helping drivers to run the routes prior to school openings and provide consistent reporting of any incidents that happen while they are on the road.
To learn more about school bus driver training and safety and to explore the technological options that may be available to your school district, contact the team at BusBoss. We’d be happy to provide you with additional information on our programs and how we are helping districts across the country keep students safe.
Please share your thoughts regarding mandatory driving record reviews and the requirements for school bus drivers in Texas. What safety protocols has your school district implemented in order to keep school bus passengers safe? We appreciate your feedback.